Magic Planet - Gopinath Muthukad
Gopinath Muthukad, magician, world renowned, inspiring, motivational, social worker, writer, celebrate
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Magic Planet

Magic Planet

Magic Planet – the museum of magic is a foresight of Gopinath Muthukad to hand down the elixir of magic to the young generation, and moreover to rehabilitate the Indian street magicians who carry on the true legacy of Indian magic.

A multitude of fascinating activities awaits visitors here. Be it the mesmerizing Circus Castle blended with acrobatic sensations, or ‘Magic Gallery’ at the History Museum with its rare memorabilia tracing the tale of magic and magicians from the middle ages to the 1950s, or the ‘Fantasia Theatre’ where mind-blowing illusions, music and theatre effects are displayed, Magic Planet will enthrall visitors beyond words.